Probably wouldn’t do anything truck would still run.

You’ll uh you’ll have multiple ecm codes with the updates and you could always click on the wrong one. Some people don’t, but I always go in here- to features and parameters first, sometimes depending on the trucks. You can exit out of it and like that go on over here to exit um. Um very simple: just go right here on the bottom left where it says: save click on save it’s going to save it into your into your computer here in the program very self explanatory, once it saves in it’ll stop doing this little thinking thing here. It is popped up, right away and it’ll go through and it’ll tell you that there is an update. If everything goes the way it should okay, now it came into the actual program here and they said should pop there. She should pop right into the program into the ecm on the truck and I’ll just kind of hopefully show you the quick way of doing it. Let’s go up here in our inside program to connect to ecm, then come back down and click on connect again and after a couple seconds here.

Um we have the ignition key on truck is not running. I know that there’s one out there, so I’m going to plug this truck in and should be able to show you how it automatically show you How to update Cummins ECM by Cummins INSITE Software. All right guys, I’m going to show you what happens when you got to do an update to an ecm.